So here it is, a doggy jumper for the littlest boy.
It really isn't that I knit overly slowly, although I am no speed knitter. It is more just that you have usually got to be siting down to knit, and I sit down very rarely. I say 'usually' as I have been known to knit in a variety of other positions. I have spent many hours bouncing up and down on the spot, with a baby strapped to my front, resting a 'needed tomorrow' birthday gift, or a 'so nearly finished that I just can't bear to stop' piece of knitting on the rounded cloth covered little being in front of me.
I have knitted in many unusual places from train stations and soft play areas, to woods and moorland.
I like to think of myself as a guerrilla crafter!
So Freddie's Christmas jumper. Started in April, finished on the 23rd of December!
It is a Zoe Mellor pattern, photocopied from a well loved book belonging to a friends Mum. I always knit a size up as they always seem quite attached to a Mummy made jumper, and are disappointed when they become too small, and to be honest, I am aware of how long it takes me to finish a whole jumper!
I learnt after I was about half way through that Zoe Mellor patterns always come up large..."so always knit the size smaller than you need dear"! Oh well, too late!
The fact it looks like a dress just seems to fit with the fact that everyone thinks he looks like a girl. I don't care if he doesn't!
His lovely friend in these pictures are from Bluebells.
it suits him perfectly - dress size and all. Well done